
Car videos that will attract buyers to your brand or dealership

Car videos that will attract buyers to your brand or dealership

More than nine in ten car buyers are researching online before they buy, according to statistics from Google. Of those who used video during this research process, over 60% said they visited a dealership or dealer website after watching a vehicle they were considering.

There are tens of millions of views of car focussed content being watched on YouTube every month and that figure is growing. Video content is becoming increasingly important to attract buyers to your dealership and, ultimately, drive sales. But what sort of content should you be producing? What attracts buyers and encourages them to visit your showroom or website?

What are car shoppers watching on YouTube?

According to Google data, vehicle commercials are attracting the highest number of monthly views (11.1m). This is followed by highlights (7m), maintenance (6.6m), digital film (6.3m), vlogs (5.3m), educational (5.2m) and reviews (4.9m). In the US, 93% of those views are of “creator-produced” content (i.e. not the brands themselves – although they are gaining ground).

One of the recommendations Google makes, based on the data, is producing longer form videos. Nearly two-thirds of creator videos in the analysis were over 10-minutes long, which is significantly higher than the average brand commercial. They recommend video test drives, highlight films and taking advantage of showroom floors, auto shows and new vehicles to produce high-quality, exclusive digital content that lets viewers in on new products.

The next generation of video content could even convince shoppers to buy a car without taking a test drive. 64% of car buyers who watch online videos to inform their purchase say new formats like 360° video would negate the need to take their chosen vehicle for a test drive before taking ownership.

Learn more about video as a tool to get visitors to your dealership in our recent blog.

How Car Care Plan is using video content

Car Care Plan has been using video for some time as a support tool for dealerships when discussing financial aftercare products, such as warranty , with their customers.

Other examples of Car Care Plan’s product videos include Alloy Wheel Repair Insurance, Cosmetic Repair Insurance and Tyre Insurance.

Video is a highly versatile medium that can be used to support many aspects of your business, including showcasing new cars, instructional material on vehicle features, promoting services you offer or informing customers about aftercare products and their benefits. With over 75% of car buyers saying online video has influenced their shopping habits or purchases, according to Google, it has become an essential route to market.

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