
News and views from the automotive industry.

Automotive industry must prepare for 2018 data protection changes

The automotive industry must start planning and preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on 25th May 2018. The GDPR will affect all retailers and manufacturers who collect, store and process customer data – e.g. for promoting deals, sending MOT or service reminders or selling new products.

Failure to comply with the new legal framework could lead to a maximum fine of 4% of your company’s global turnover or €20m, whichever is greater. The latest eBook from Car Care Plan – GDPR: The new data protection law – explores the new legislation, its implications and how your business should be preparing.


A brief overview of GDPR changes

The GDPR has been billed as the most important change to data privacy regulation in 20 years. It extends individuals’ rights beyond those enshrined in the Data Protection Act (DPA) and it is essential all businesses prepare for the changes before they come into effect next year. The areas the new legislation will affect include:


  • Customer consent
  • Strict penalties for breaches
  • Notification of breaches
  • Customers’ right to access
  • Customers’ right to be forgotten
  • Customers’ right to transfer data
  • Limit data collection to ensure privacy
  • Data Protection Officers and record keeping
  • Increased territorial scope.


Take a closer look at all of these areas and more by downloading your eBook here.


Does GDPR apply to your business?

If you collect, store or process customer data in any way, the new GDPR rules will apply to you. Specifically, the GDPR applies to “personal data”, which means any information related to an “identifiable natural person”. This includes but is not limited to:


  • Names
  • Customer identification numbers
  • Location data
  • Online identifier (e.g. social media handles)
  • Physical or physiological information
  • And other factors.


Collecting and using customer data has a wide-variety of commercial advantages for the automotive industry – especially when it comes to boosting customer retention. The vast majority is already likely to use customer data. A prime example would be marketing for vehicle MOTs and servicing, such as SMS or email reminders a year after a customer’s last visit to the garage, so make sure you’re aware of how the new rules may affect you and your business.


We will be publishing further blogs on the implications of the GDPR over the coming weeks.

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