<p>Assurance and peace of mind for motorists worldwide</p>

The trusted partner to leading brands and retailers, providing over a million vehicle warranty and add-on insurance products every year.

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<h3><strong>&nbsp;What we do</strong></h3>

Our award-winning vehicle warranty and add-on insurance products provide motorists worldwide with unparalleled peace-of-mind. As the trusted partner of choice for industry-leading manufacturers and dealerships, we offer end-to-end aftercare solutions that protect their customers. With over 45 years of experience in the automotive industry, we operate in over 100 countries, enhancing the vehicle ownership experience of millions through our innovative and comprehensive range of asset protection products.  


1.5+ million

products registered annually



countries of operation

<h5>&nbsp;</h5> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Source of statistics: Car Care Plan Internal Reports 2023</strong></p>


45+ years

of experience

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